Sunday, January 7, 2024


 I am so sad to say, heartbroken really, that 2 days after I celebrated Zooey's 18th (or 19th) birthday on January 1st, she was diagnosed with lymphoma. The progression of the disease was quite rapid, once named; she had little interest in food or water, and finally, on her last day, loss of her back limbs. It was time.

As many of you know my life has revolved around the care of this wonderful creature, this beautiful member of my family, and I have felt honored every day since we met 16 and a half years ago that she chose me. Every day. And I chose her. Every day.
I loved her well, and I was loved by her in the most sweet and miraculous way. I will miss her unfathomably.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Treating the Flu

Treating the Flu
If you recall my handout for how to treat the common cold you will find many shared treatments. What I want to focus on here are a few additional suggestions for avoiding any virus as well as what to do when you feel you are coming down with the flu.

First, hygiene is of utmost importance. This does not mean using hand sanitizers but rather washing your hands with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating. Washing doorknobs or other communal surfaces, wearing gloves when touching doors to enter a building (easy now with winter temperatures), covering your mouth with a handkerchief during every cough or sneeze, and choosing how you will greet people (shaking hands? Hugging?). Avoid people who are sick and stay home if you are sick.

Second, eating and resting well are foremost to staying healthy. If you feel run down take a day off and rest. Avoid sugars, alcohol and processed foods. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats, if you choose. Support your microbiome with kombucha and fermented foods such as miso or sauerkraut. Exercise to support your immune system and to support good sleep at night.

There are a variety of botanical medicines that help to prevent flu including licorice root, North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), elderberry, Echinacea, Hydrastis and garlic. Zinc, vitamin A and C and selenium can help as well.

Every year I recommend Stamet’s 7 or My Community mushrooms from Host Defense – one a day until the flu season is over. I think these are excellent immune supports.

Homeopathic remedies to have on hand are listed below. Purchasing a 30c (Boiron blue tube) from PCC, Sugar Pills or Pharmaca is fine, or you can purchase 30c or higher potencies from me.

Aconite napellus
This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset, with a hot face and dry skin.

Arsenicum album
The patient feels chilly and exhausted, along with an anxious restlessness. The person may be thirsty, but often only takes small sips. A watery, runny nose and sneezing paroxysms with a dry or wheezing cough are often indications for this remedy. The person's head usually feels hot, while the rest of the body is chilly.

This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset with profuse sweating

This relieves high fever with body aches improved by staying still.

Eupatorium perfoliatum
This remedy relieves bone pains and body aches associated with flu and severe colds.

Ferrum phosphoricum
This relieves low-grade fever with weakness and tendency to nosebleeds and earaches

This remedy relieves flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, dizziness and general weakness.

This remedy presents typically with fever, sweating, bad breath and salivation.

Nux vomica
This patient may have high fever, violent chills, strong nausea and cramping in the digestive tract. Headache usually occurs, along with oversensitivity to sound, bright light, and odors. A person who needs Nux vomica is often very irritable, feeling worse from exertion and worse from being cold in any way.

This patient feels run-down with headaches, body aches, chills and fever.

Rhus toxicodendron
This remedy relieves fever with restlessness: The patient is continuously moving to find a comfortable position and relieve the body aches.

If you feel you are coming down with the flu or cold and want treatment please email me and I can take your acute case to determine the best possible remedy for you.

Remember, prevention is your best friend.



Krista Heron, ND, DHANP,

Thornton Creek Homeopathic Clinic
7541 44 Avenue NE
Seattle 98115
(206) 524-6044

A good overview of the virus as is known now, with natural healthy suggestions to address any flu.

Stay healthy!


Coronavirus (COVID-19): What a Pediatrician Wants You to Know

[UPDATED: February 29, 2020]
Flu hysteria has now transformed into coronavirus hysteria, and many of you have asked me how worried you should really be. News around COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and those of us outside of China are not sure whether to panic or stay calm. Addressing the Munich Security Conference on Feb 15, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:
… we’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic …
This is a time for facts, not fear.
This is a time for rationality, not rumours. (1)
I always say that knowledge is power, but in this case, because the world has never seen this particular coronavirus (which is why it’s called “novel”), we don’t know a whole lot. Scientists and researchers across the world are scrambling to learn more about COVID-19 and possible treatment and prevention strategies, and we are learning more everyday. I have to admit that I’m more worried about COVID-19 than I was when Kenzi had the flu with a 105.5 fever. But when I get anxious about something, I try to dig in and get the facts. And that’s what I did – for days. So let me share with you the facts that I’ve uncovered so that we can all be calmly and rationally prepared for a COVID-19 pandemic if it occurs. What follows below is the most evidence-based research I could find to help us navigate these times with as much knowledge as possible. All references are at the end, and I will update as new developments arise. Be forewarned – this is a long article, but I wanted you to have all the information you need in one place, instead of the gazillions of sites and resources I ended up scouring and piecing together.

Let’s fight fear with FACTS!

What is COVID-19?

COVI-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, which started out as an outbreak, has since become an epidemic, and may be set to become a pandemic. 
Let’s clarify the terminology. An outbreak happens when a disease occurs in greater numbers than expected in a community, and can even be just one case. You can have outbreaks in different communities. An epidemic is an outbreak that spreads rapidly to many people. A pandemic is an epidemic of global proportions that has become widespread across several countries or continents.
COVID-19 is the name of the respiratory illness caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus that was first detected in Wuhan, China. You will also see it referred to as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, or SARS-coV-2. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are named for the spikes on their surface that look like crowns (“corona” in Latin means crown). By now, I’m sure you’ve figured out that COVID-19 has nothing to do with the Corona beer that you may have enjoyed at some point with a lime wedge, although many people have searched Google for “Corona beer virus”. Coronaviruses can cause mild illness like the common cold, or more severe illness like we’ve seen with SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) or MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), and now COVID-19.

How many people actually have COVID-19?

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths are increasing everyday, so these numbers are a moving target. WHO COVID-19 Situation Reports (2) provide daily reports of worldwide numbers.

As of February 29, 2020, 75% of worldwide COVID-19 cases were still in China, with a reported 79,394 cases. There were 62 cases in the US (with 3 new cases reported that day). There were were a total number of 6,009 cases outside of China (with 1,318 new cases that day). 
This WHO graph shows that currently, infection from exposure to COVID-19 from within the reporting country is far surpassing infection from exposure due to travel from China or another country. Domestic spread is becoming an increasing concern, and we need to have more strategies for early detection, containment and treatment than just closing our borders. On February 26, the CDC announced the first US case of a man in Solano County in Northern California who has contracted COVID-19 without any history of travel outside the US or close contact with another patient with known infection.

How is COVID-19 transmitted?

It is now clear that human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 is possible and is occurring. Transmission is mainly through respiratory droplets and close contact – similar to how influenza is spread. The CDC defines close contact as being within 6 feet or within a room or care area for a prolonged period without personal protective equipment OR having direct contact with secretions of a person with COVID-19 infection. There is some evidence that fecal-oral or blood transmission may be possible, even when COVID-19 is not detected in oral swabs (3). Investigation is underway to determine how long COVID-19 can survive on various surfaces and possibly be transmitted through “fomites” (a fancy word for objects or materials that can carry infection, such as tabletops, keyboards, clothes and utensils).  
The incubation period is thought to be 2-14 days, with a median incubation period of 4 days. Patients are thought to be most contagious when they are symptomatic. However, a recent report (4) found that an asymptomatic woman who transmitted COVID-19 to 5 other people may have had an incubation time of 19 days. 

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

What is important to remember is that the majority of infected people appear to have mild infections – with mild cold-like symptoms and fever, and likely many who have no symptoms. As noted above, there are case reports of asymptomatic carriers. However, most people who contract COVID-19 do seem to develop symptoms of some sort. 
Reported symptoms include:
  • Fever (which may not be present in the very young or very old, or immunocompromised)
  • Uncomplicated upper respiratory symptoms (Cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise, headache, muscle aches)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Mild pneumonia
  • Severe pneumonia (the severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19 is now named severe acute respiratory infection (SARI))
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Sepsis and Septic shock
  • Death
Death is of course what we are all worried about. So let’s look at that a little more closely in the next section. 
What is interesting to note is that children seem less vulnerable to infection and appear to have milder symptoms than adults. There have been NO reported deaths in children 0-9 years of age. One very small study of 9 infants under 1 year of age infected with COVID-19 found that none of the infants had severe illness or complications. In fact, 1 had no symptoms, 2 had mild upper respiratory tract symptoms, and 4 had fever. (5)
Pregnant women also do not appear to be at greater risk for complications. In a small study of 9 women in Wuhan in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy with confirmed and symptomatic COVID-19 infection, none developed severe pneumonia or died. All gave birth via c-section to healthy-appearing babies with normal Apgar scores. No virus was found in amniotic fluid, cord blood or breastmilk. (6)

What is the COVID-19  mortality rate?

Unfortunately, we don’t really know. The high number of deaths in China is devastating, but may not be reflective of mortality rates in other parts of the world given the tragic lack of hospital staff, medical supplies, ICU beds, and test kits that China is facing. If we look at the WHO numbers as of February 29, 2020, of the 79,394 reported cases in China, there have been 2838 deaths, which puts the mortality rate in China at 3.5%. Outside of China, however, there have been 86 deaths out of the 6,009 cases, which is a 1.4% mortality rate. Compare this to the mortality rate of influenza, which is estimated to be around 0.095% in the US
However, certain populations seem to be more at risk for serious infection and for death. Increasing age seems to be the most important factor, and as mentioned above, children appear relatively spared. In a report released by the Chinese CCDC on February 17, 2020 in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, the risk of death increases with age, with being over 80 the highest risk factor. The fatality rate of patients over 80 years old was estimated to be 14.8%. Death in those under 50 appears to be unlikely, with the mortality rate of 40-49 year olds estimated to be 0.4% and 0.2% for patients 10-39 years of age. As noted above, there have been NO deaths in children 0-9 years old. Having a chronic, pre-existing medical condition also significantly increased the risk of death. Without any pre-existing condition, the mortality rate was 0.9%. A history of cardiovascular disease increased the risk to 10.5%. (7)
So like the influenza virus, the elderly and those with underlying chronic medical conditions appear to be most at risk for serious complications and death from COVID-19. However, unlike influenza, children so far appear to be relatively protected.

How and who do you test for COVID-19?

COVID-19 is detected by testing nasopharyngeal swabs (basically a q-tip up the nose), oropharyngeal swabs (a throat swab), and sputum for genetic material of COVID-19 by polymerase chain testing (PCR). The test kit is called the “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase (RT)-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” In the US, these test kits are NOT available currently through doctor’s offices, community clinics, or hospitals  (i.e. I do NOT have test kits). If I were suspicious that a child or parent in my office could have COVID-19, I would send them to the public health department for testing.
Currently, the recommendations are to test patients with fever and lower respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of breath) who have had close contact with: 1) a person with confirmed COVID-19; or 2) history of travel from affected geographic areas with 4 days of symptoms; OR anyone with severe acute lower respiratory illness that requires hospitalization and does not have another diagnosis like influenza, eve without any known source of exposure. Remember, the CDC defines close contact as being within 6 feet or within a room or care area for a prolonged period without personal protective equipment OR having direct contact with secretions of a person with COVID-19 infection.
This is the protocol that was emailed to me by my local health department (8):
The CDC also recommends that providers test for other respiratory pathogens, like they would as part of their usual workup for anyone who comes in with fever, runny nose, and cough – like the flu! Because let’s face it, we’re still in the middle of flu season, and …

If you or your child have cold or flu symptoms,
chances are that you have a cold or the flu!

Should we begin to see more domestic spread of COVID-19 in the United States, please …

Do NOT rush to your doctor’s office or hospital to get tested at the first sign of fever or cough unless your health is declining and you need urgent medical attention.

Your doctor or emergency department does not currently have the capability to test for COVID-19, and going unnecessarily to the doctor’s office or emergency department may inadvertently expose you or your child to COVID-19 or other infections and likewise expose other people to whatever illness you may have. Many cases of COVID-19 in China are likely due to uninfected people becoming infected after exposure while waiting in long hospital and clinic lines to be tested. 

How do you treat COVID-19?

There are currently no specific antiviral medications known to treat COVID-19, Treatment is supportive with rest, fluids, oxygen, and more intensive care if needed. Scientists are actively researching possible existing or new antiviral medications that may have activity against COVID-19, and vaccines that may help to prevent COVID-19. Tamiflu will not work. While these efforts are critically needed, the manufacture and testing of a new pharmaceutical agents or vaccines is likely several months to over a year in coming.
In the meantime, are there any existing natural treatments that might work? We just don’t know. A huge amount of funding has been committed to clinical treatment trials. While we wait anxiously for results, I urge scientists and researchers to consider some of the evidence we currently have about natural treatments for prior coronavirus outbreaks (SARS, MERS) and sepsis that may theoretically hold promise for successfully treating COVID-19, and would be more readily available and much less costly than any newly-engineered drug. 
I am here to educate and inform, NOT to recommend any particular treatments because we simply do not yet know what will be effective against COVID-19. I did this research out of an effort to educate myself on all possible therapeutic options if/when COVID-19 arrives. Here is what I found. These are theoretical possibilities only. Please do not stockpile these natural medicines. If you suspect you or your child has COVID-19, please consult with your physician on your best treatment options.
Sambucus Formosana Nakai (a species of elderberry similar to Sambucus nigra or black elderberry that has been found to have anti-influenza activity) was found to have strong activity against Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63). (9)  NOTE: This is NOT the same as the elderberry syrup you’ll find on shelves, and I am not recommending that you go out and stockpile Sambucus Nigra). The caffeic acid component of Sambucus Formosana Nakai seemed to be responsible for most of the anti-HCoV-NL63 activity, and significantly inhibited replication and blocked attachment of HCoV-NL63. Caffeic acid is actually NOT related to caffeine, but is found in many foods such as coffee, wine, turmeric, basil, thyme, oregano, sage, cabbage, apples, strawberries, cauliflower, radishes, mushrooms, kale, pears, and olive oil. It definitely couldn’t hurt to load up on caffeic acid-rich foods (minus the coffee and wine, perhaps…).
Traditional Chinese Medicines have been met with significant controversy and panic stockpiling when Chinese researchers claimed that a traditional herbal formula (shuanghuanglian made with honeysuckle, Chinese skullcap and forsythia) could inhibit 2019-nCoV in vitro. This was a premature announcement and clinical trials need to be performed. However, if we look to prior research on other coronaviruses, there are studies showing the efficacy of various Chinese herbal agents against other coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV and CHOV-22E9. (10) These herbal medicines include: Bupleurum, Heteromorpha, and Scrophularia scorodonia (11); Lycoris radiata, Artemisia annua, Pyrrosia lingua, and Lindera aggregata (12); Isatis indigotica and Torreya mucifera (13,14,15); and Houttuynia cordata (16)  My hope is that researchers take interest in these initial in-vitro results and consider clinical trials that could potentially find a cure in these natural agents.

COVID-19, sepsis & cytokine storm

When patients with COVID-19 die, it is often due to sepsis, in which the immune system goes haywire and overreacts in what is called a “cytokine storm.” Natural agents that are immunomodulatory and immunoregulatory, and bring BALANCE to an overactive immune system, may be one of the best options to support patients with sepsis. Here’s what the literature shows for what may be helpful for critically ill patients with sepsis.. In life-or-death critical situations like sepsis where conventional medicine does not offer significant success, I would urge researchers to consider all potential treatment options for further investigation. 
Vitamin C, 1.5 grams IV every 6 hours (6 grams total daily), given with hydrocortisone and thiamine was found to significantly decrease mortality and prevent progressive organ failure in patients with sepsis. In fact, patients treated with the vitamin C protocol had an 8.5% death rate compared with 40.4% in the control group! (17) Thankfully, there is currently a research trial underway to investigate vitamin C infusions for the treatment of severe 2019-nCoV infected pneumonia (18) where patients in the treatment group will receive 24 grams of Vitamin C daily for 7 days. 
Vitamin D has been called a “pro-survival molecule.” In this review of the literature on Vitamin D and immunity (19), the authors conclude that: 
“… vitamin D not only helps the immune system to be dampened during an excessive or chronic reaction (anti-inflammatory potential) but also to rapidly reach its completion or exhaustion, helping innate cells to kill bacteria or viruses. In this sense, vitamin D maintains its pivotal role as a pro-survival molecule.”
Cathelicidin produced by Vitamin D can neutralize LPS (lipopolysaccharides) that are responsible for so much of the damage that we see in sepsis, and also has antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. (20) Vitamin D deficiency may actually be considered a risk factor for sepsis and inflammatory disorders, so please ensure that your and your child’s vitamin D levels are optimized as I discuss below in how to protect your child..
Other Natural Agents:  This journal article from 2014, Therapeutic interventions in sepsis: current and anticipated pharmacological agents by Shukla P, et al (21), is probably the best article I’ve found on evidence-based yet outside-the-box thinking of potential natural treatment options for sepsis that warrant further investigation. Here are just a few of the fascinating findings:
  • Curcumin has been found to inhibit NF-kB – potent activator of inflammation in sepsis. Curcumin was also found to inhibit binding of LPS and suppress the LPS-induced inflammatory response and damage seen in sepsis, while improving survival, in a mouse model of sepsis. (22) 
  • Quercetin has also been found to inhibit the NF-kB pathway (23), and to improve survival and decrease cellular damage in a mouse model of sepsis (24,25)
  • Naringin, a flavonoid found in the skin of citrus fruit, ameliorated LPS-induced sepsis in mice, via the NF-κB pathway, and reduced LPS-induced acute lung injury (26) 
  • The probiotic Bacillus sp strain LBP32 has extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) that were found to inhibit the LPS-induced release of many pro-inflammatory mediators (such as NO, ROS, IL-6 and TNF-α) by inhibiting the NF-κB pathway. Researchers were able to demonstrate that EPS could greatly improve the outcome of mice with LPS-induced endotoxic shock (27)
  • Boswellia (Frankincense)  can inhibit LPS-induced inflammation in sepsis. This study (28) found that Casperome® (Casp), an orally bioavailable soy lecithin-based formulation of standardized frankincense extract, was able to ameliorate the systemic effect and multi-organ damage induced by severe systemic inflammation using a mouse model of sepsis. 
  • Lomatium dissectum is a Native American traditional root that was claimed to have prevented the Washoe Indian tribes from dying during the 1918 influenza pandemic (also called the Spanish flu pandemic). In SARS-CoV sepsis, one of the inflammatory chemokines involved is CXCL10 (29). Poor prognosis with Influenza A is also associated with CXCL10 dysregulation. Lomation dissectum, used by Native Americans in Western US to treat influenza, was found to inhibit CXCL10 secretion by lung cells and may explain why during the 1918 influenza pandemic, L. dissectum was hailed as the cure for influenza and influenza-associated pneumonia. (30)

Is airplane travel safe right now?

As we see more outbreaks in countries outside of China, the CDC has added several countries to its travel advisories. The alerts below are as of February 25, 2020:
  • Level 3 (Warning: avoid all nonessential travel) – China and South Korea
  • Level 2 (Alert: consider postponing nonessential travel) – Iran, Italy and Japan
  • Level 1 (Watch: practice usual precautions – Hong Kong
  • Other destinations with community spread: Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Travel advisories are a moving target, and as I write, Italy was just added to the list. If you are planning international travel, keep informed with the CDC’s COVID-19 travel advisory page Whether you choose to travel or cancel any upcoming plans is a completely personal decision, and I cannot recommend you choose one path or another. I personally am limiting international travel for me and my family. While I am lucky to have a busy domestic travel schedule teaching integrative and pediatric functional medicine to other practitioners, if given the choice, I would limit even my domestic travel until we know more. We all have to make whatever decisions we feel most comfortable with for our families, but if you are planning air travel, please read my airplane travel tips and tricks that I list in my blog post How to Have a Healthy, Happy Holiday.

How can you protect your family from COVID-19?

There are commonsense measures to protect yourself from COVID-19 that you should be practicing regardless of whatever virus is circulating at the moment. The only unique recommendation with COVID-19 is to avoid unnecessary contact with non-domesticated animals due to presumed animal-human transmission. Other commonsense measures to protect yourself and prevent spread of illness include: 
  • Wash hands frequently, especially before eating or touching your face. Washing hands with warm soap and water for at least 30 seconds is the best option. This study found that washing hands even with plain running water without soap was more effective than ethanol-based hand disinfectants at killing the Influenza A virus! (36)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth! Do your best to keep those little fingers away! 
  • Stay home when you’re sick, unless you need urgent medical attention. You may be increasing your possible exposures to COVID-19 if you don’t have it, or exposing others unnecessarily if you do.
  • Cover your cough with your elbow or tissues. Teach your kids proper cough etiquette. And if you use a tissue, immediately throw it into the trash and wash your hands.
  • Keep your distance. Try to stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who is obviously sick with fever and/or respiratory symptoms.
  • Irrigate your nose. While we do not know if nasal irrigation makes a difference for prevention of COVID-19, I believe that one of the MOST preventive things you can do for any viral respiratory illness is to irrigate your, and your children’s, nasal passages with Xlear nasal spray at the end of every day and after any potential exposure (work, school, playgroups, plane travel, etc.). This is a saline nasal spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed extract, both of which have antimicrobial properties. You cannot overdo it, and will not get “addicted” to it. Other options for nasal irrigation are a regular saline spray, Neti pot, and other sinus rinses like Neilmed.
    **Apart from regular hand washing, I believe that daily and frequent nasal irrigation is one of the MOST important things that we can do to prevent influenza and other viral respiratory infections from taking hold.** This is because after exposure to a virus, the influenza virus tries to invade and multiply in your nasal passages for at least 1-2 days before you develop any symptoms. Nasal irrigation can wash away viral particles before they have the opportunity to take hold, and thereby prevent many infections from happening in the first place!
  • Load up on foods and spices with antiviral properties. These include coconut oil, raw garlic, oregano, ginger, kimchi and other fermented foods, walnut, pomegranate, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and medicinal mushrooms (shiitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, turkeytail).
  • Eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables. They are full of antioxidants which will destroy the free radicals that weaken our immune system and are responsible for making us feel sick when we catch a bug. Each color provides different antioxidant power – so be sure to eat a rainbow everyday. If you’re kids aren’t the hugest vegetable eaters yet, give them their antioxidant dose with a smoothie packed with fruits AND veggies, use that smoothie to make jello with grass-fed gelatin or popsicles, sneak pureed vegetables into your spaghtetti sauce, soups, chilis, or whatever other way you can think of – be creative!
  • Stay well-hydrated. Stick to water, coconut water, herbal teas, and bone broth. No soda or sugary drinks, please! What’s a good estimate for how much water you need at a minimum? Divide your body weight (in pounds) in half and drink that number in ounces! Do you come close?
  • Drink your bone broth! Bone broth has amazing immune-supporting properties. See Amazing Bone Broth to get started easily making your own.
  • Eat fermented foods. The probiotics contained in fermented foods have tremendous immune boosting powers. In fact, the fermented Korean cabbage, kimchi, was found to have significant effects in preventing and fighting the H1N1 influenza virus! Other examples of delicious fermented foods to try include sauerkraut, pickles (try “real” pickles without added vinegar like Bubbies), miso, kefir, and kombucha.
  • Avoid simple sugars and processed/junk food. Did you know that your blood shows lab evidence of a lowered immune system within 30 minutes of eating simple sugars (like glucose, refined sugar, and fructose), and causes a 50% reduction in your white blood cells’ abilities to kill germs? White blood cells are our “army” cells that fight off germs. This effect is most noticeable 2 hours after ingestion, but is still present 5 hours later! Keeping blood sugar levels healthy has been shown to improve immune system activity.
  • Get fresh air and moderate daily exercise. Moderate exercise can boost the production of macrophages, the kind of white blood cells that “eat” bacteria and viruses. However, intense exercise can actually temporarily decrease immune function – so don’t overdo it!
  • Get adequate sleep. An increase in sleep actually increases the number of your white blood cells. On the other hand, loss of sleep even for a few hours at night, increases inflammation in our body which makes us more susceptible to catching the flu and having more severe symptoms. So make sure your whole family is getting enough zzzz’s. For tips on getting a good night’s sleep, see Eat Yourself to a Good Night’s Sleep and The 3 Things You Need to Know to Get a Good Night’s Sleep.
  • Minimize stress. Emotional stress creates physiological stress in our bodies that lowers our immune defenses and makes us more vulnerable to illness. Stress has been shown to lower our white blood cells’ abilities to kill germs, and actually creates more inflammation that may make us feel even sicker. For guidance on how to help manage your child’s stress naturally, take a look at Back-to-School, Back to … STRESS!!! for some great tips.

Should I wear a mask?

Face masks are currently not recommended for the general public. They are only recommended if you have a cough that you could transmit, or are taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19. 
That being said, this new research paper from February 19, 2020 that has yet to be published (32) compared medical staff at Zhongnan Hospital caring for patients with COVID-19 between Jan 2-22 who were medical staff in the Respiratory, ICU and Infectious Disease Departments and wore N95 respirators and washed hands frequently vs. medical staff in the Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery, Trauma and Microsurgery and Urology Departments who who wore no masks and disinfected their hands less frequently. Even though the masked group actually encountered more confirmed cases of COVID-19 than the unmasked (730% MORE cases, in fact), none of of the 280 staff contracted 2019-nCoV. On the other hand, 10 of the unmasked group became infected.
So, if the pandemic starts to hit a little too close to home, will I be wearing a mask and make Peter, Kenzi and Bodi wear one? Probably yes! If you do wear a face mask, please make sure it’s a “Particulate Respirator Mask” that filters at least 95% of very small particles and is marked P95, R95 or N95, has 2 straps, and forms a tight seal around your nose and mouth. A regular surgical mask will provide no protection and is actually meant to protect others from your cough or sneeze. A properly fitted respirator mask should be worn over BOTH the nose and mouth, and form a tight seal so that you can’t smell any ambient odors. A good test is to put on the mask covering your mouth and nose, pinch the mask across the bridge of your nose, then spray peppermint or lavender essential oil in front of your face. You should not be able to smell or taste any of the oil in your nose or mouth through the mask.
THE PROBLEM: Most masks won’t properly fit and create a good seal over a young child’s mouth and nose to filter out small smoke and air pollution particles, so make sure you follow the suggestions below for immune boosting. Remember, though, that preliminary reports seem to show that children are much more likely to have mild and even asymptomatic disease.
Another problem is that because of COVID-19, N95 masks are currently very difficult to find or are very expensive. Manufacturers should be gearing up their production to fix this problem, so stay on the lookout.

Keep your immune system as strong as possible.

Consider keeping your immune system even more supported with the following nutritional supplements to give your body even more antiviral defense:
  • Fish oil – Omega-3 essential fatty acids have a host of immune benefits too long to list!
  • Probiotics – One study showed a dramatic reduction in fever and upper respiratory symptoms in children who took a probiotic with a specific combination of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium daily throughout the cold and flu season. This particular combination of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can be found in Metagenics Ultra Flora Children’s Chewable probiotic, Ultra Flora Synergy powder, and Ultra Flora Balance capsules. The recommended dosage for children and adults is ¼ tsp 2x/day, 1 capsule 2x/day, or 1 chew 2x/day. Probiotics are why fermented foods pack such a punch, so if your child’s palate hasn’t expanded yet to include a lot of fermented foods, be sure to give her a probiotic supplement to keep her gut and immune system healthy! If you want to know more about which probiotic supplement is right for your child, be sure to download my FREE Guide to Choosing Your Child’s Probiotic!
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which assists our ability to ward off and deal with infection. Remember the vitamin C and sepsis study above? I have been using Metagenics Ultra-Potent C because it has added ingredients such as lysine and glutathione which assist in fighting viruses.
  • Vitamin D3 – There is speculation that rates of illness increase over the winter because of the widespread deficiency of Vitamin D. As mentioned above, Vitamin D deficiency may be one of the risk factors for sepsis. Studies have shown that people supplemented with adequate levels of Vitamin D3 during the cold and flu season had significantly lower rates of infection. Vitamin D3 increases our body’s production of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial compound, to help fight viral and bacterial infections, that I discussed above in the section on sepsis. The Vitamin D Council recommends a maintenance dosage of 1000IU of Vitamin D3 per 25 pounds of body weight (the dosage may be higher in people with Vitamin D deficiency, which is epidemic and can be measured through an easy blood test). **Vitamin D3 is one of the supplements that I am “religious” about giving to my kids.**
  • Zinc – Zinc is required for the normal functioning of white blood cells. Supplementing with just 15mg of zinc per day in adults has been found to improve our immune cells’ ability to ward off infection.

If you or your child does get sick…

If you DO start to feel a fever and cough coming on, remember – it is very likely the common cold, influenza, or one of the other more commonly circulating viruses and NOT COVID-19 – so DON’T PANIC. And even if it is COVID-19, remember that most people appear to have MILD symptoms. If I were concerned that I or my family had COVID-19, I would still use the same pediatrician-approved natural remedies for colds and flu-like illnesses that I detail in these 2 resources:
  • My article Pediatrician-Approved Natural Remedies for the Flu
  • My online course Everyday Holistic Pediatrics –  the ONLY comprehensive online video course of pediatrician-designed, mama-approved natural remedies to boost your child’s immune system and get them through their fever, flu, cold, cough, earache, vomiting/diarrhea, sore throat and pinkeye using diet and lifestyle, homeopathy, herbs, essential oils, and acupressure!
As a disclaimer, I am not in any way recommending natural treatments as a replacement for standard medical care or vaccination, but until that time that effective medical treatments or vaccination for COVID-19 are developed and approved for use in kids and adults, I will be using all the tools I have that I know can work for other viral respiratory illnesses, like the flu. And you bet if Kenzi and Bodi get sick, I will be pulling out my vitamin D3, vitamin C, Windbreaker, Elderberry syrup and VClear, OnGuard or Thieves essential oil, and loading them up with antioxidant-rich foods. For an easy reference, you can download my FREE GUIDE: Natural Remedies to Beat the Flu! (This is for the flu, but may have relevance for COVID-19).
Phew – there you have it. Everything I’ve learned so far and want you to know about  COVID-19, and everything I intend to do for my family, from a holistic pediatricians’ perspective. We will continue to learn as more research is done, and I’ll be sure to update this post to share everything I know so make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to be the first to know of any updates.. In the meantime, stay calm but be prepared.
If you found this useful, please be sure to share with anyone you know who could benefit. 
xo Holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD
Keep Up to Date on the Latest COVID-19 News:
  2. WHO COVID-19 Situation Reports:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

From Dana Ullman's column in the Huffington Post

Extreme Bias in FTC’s Ruling on Homeopathic Medicine

Despite the fact that there are over 300 clinical trials published in peer review medical journals, the U.S. government’s Federal Trade Commission (F.T.C.)has deemed homeopathic medicine to be unproven scientifically. This governmental agency will now require manufacturers of homeopathic medicines to provide the following two statements in their marketing of over-the-counter homeopathic medicines: (1) there is no scientific evidence that the product works and (2) the product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.
Obvious evidence of the F.T.C.’s bias in this ruling is that the word “homeopathy” was not even coined until 1805, and the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, MD, did not write his first book on the subject until 1810. The first homeopath to come to the USA wasn’t until 1825. And yet, the F.T.C. asserts that homeopathy is based on theories from the 1700s? 
The fact that the F.T.C. is not being honest or accurate on historical facts will lead anyone to question whether they are honest or accurate in their assessment of homeopathic research. In actual fact, research showing the efficacy of homeopathic medicines have been published in many of the most respected medical journals in the world, including The LancetBMJ (British Medical Journal, 1, 2), Chest (the publication of the American College of Chest Physicians), Rheumatology (the publication of the British Society for Rheumatology), Pediatrics (publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics), Cancer (journal of the American Cancer Society), Journal of Clinical OncologyPediatrics Infectious Disease Journal (publication of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases), European Journal of Pediatrics (publication of the Swiss Society of Pediatrics and the Belgium Society of Pediatrics), and numerous others. And yet, the F.T.C. insists that there is “no scientific evidence” that homeopathy works? Really, none? 
It should also be noted that the prestigious World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has deemed France to have the BEST health care in the world. It is therefore important to note that according to a recent survey published in the respected medical journal, Family Practice, 95% of French pediatricians, dermatologists, and general practitioners use homeopathic medicines. Further, 43% of all health and medical professionals prescribed at least one homeopathic medicine in a 12-month period. And ALL of these statistics were gathered from the government’s prescription records, making this data precise and accurate. The practice and usage of homeopathic medicine is also substantial in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. And yet, homeopathy is “not accepted by most modern experts?” Is there absolutely no respect for minority schools of thought in medicine for the first time in medical history? Is conventional medicine so perfect that it can only allow for medical treatments that a majority of medical experts accept? Or…are there efforts influenced by Big Pharma to reduce competition in health care? 
To be clear, the work of the F.T.C. is vital for consumer protection, but it is clear that this governmental agency is ignoring important scientific evidence, and one must wonder if they are protecting Big Pharma from competition more than protecting the consumer.
To understand how and why the F.T.C. has such obvious bias against homeopathy (and various alternatives to Big Pharma), it is helpful to know something about history…and then, to learn something about the body of scientific evidence that presently exists for homeopathic medicines.
History of Attacks Against Homeopathy
Due to the impressive successes that physicians found from homeopathic medicines in the treatment of severe infectious disease epidemics in the 19th century, homeopathy grew so rapidly that the American Institute of Homeopathy was established as this country’s first national medical organization in 1844. A rival medical organization was formed just two years later asserting that one of the reasons for their formation was to slow the growth of homeopathy. That organization called itself the American Medical Association.
Homeopathy continued to grow in America in the 19th century and was called “the new school,” while conventional medicine was deemed to be “the old school.” By the early 20th century, there were 20 homeopathic medical schools in America, including Boston University, University of Michigan, Ohio State University, University of Minnesota, Hahnemann Medical College, and even the University of Iowa. 
At the turn into the 20th century, George Simmons became the new President of the American Medical Association, and he devised a brilliant plan to make the AMA rich and powerful. Simmons created the AMA’s “Seal of Approval on Drugs.” To get this award, drug manufacturers did not require ANY evidence on safety or efficacy of drugs. Instead, the drug-maker simply needed to divulge the ingredients of their drug (an important consumer protection) AND, more importantly, they were required to pay for advertisements in EVERY local, regional, and national AMA publications (a legal form of bribery). This “collaboration” between the AMA and Big Pharma led to a significant increase in membership in the increasingly rich AMA, growing from 8,000 members in 1900 to over 70,000 members in 1910.
The “collaboration” between Big Pharma and government has been substantial in the 20th century and even more so in the 21st century. In fact, for the past couple of decades, Big Pharma has spent almost 50% more (!) in lobbying politicians than the closest industry (the Insurance industry). When you take this fact into account and then realize that Big Pharma spends its greatest amounts of advertising dollars for TV news programs, you can see and understand Big Pharma’s strategy to “own” the news and politicians. This strategy has worked too well. 
Evidence of serious corporate shenanigans on health products is just beginning to be uncovered. According to the British Medical Journal, recently uncovered evidence has verified the extraordinary extent to which key public health experts at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have been influenced by big money given by the sugar industry to take any blame away from sugar for today’s obesity epidemic.
Verifying additional problems at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the CDC has obtained whistleblower status after he admitted to falsifying research to show that there is no difference between vaccination and autism when, in fact, his research actually showed that there was a correlation between vaccination and the autism rate in all children and was found to be 250% higher in black children than those children not vaccinated. Yet, CDC Director Tom Frieden has attempted to block Thompson from testifying in a civil hearing asserting, “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS [Health and Human Services].”
According to Robert Kennedy Jr. one of the key people in this cover-up at the CDC is Dr. Colleen Boyle who is the Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, one of the CDC’s centers that evaluate autism rates. This same scientist who was previously found to have orchestrated the cover-up of Agent Orange and dioxin toxicity in the 1970s, and rather than punish her, she was rewarded with a plum position that enabled her to cover-up the vaccine-autism connection.
Needless to say, the media has repeatedly asserted that there is “no connection between vaccines and autism,” and yet, the media has carefully avoided reporting on this whistleblower case. Recent reports about serious levels of anxiety from employees at the CDC are well-founded because the Trump administration may be more forthright in investigating corporate and scientific fraud. Trump has expressed his support for vaccines, but has also expressed direct concern about the inadequacy of safety studies on them. 
The additional reason that issue of vaccines is discussed here is that Americans do not know that there are virtually no double-blind and placebo controlled studies that show that vaccines are safe. The few times that vaccine research has used a “placebo,” they do not place pathogens in the placebo but they actually still insert mercury or aluminum adjuvants in the placebo, thereby destroying the ability for real scientific evaluation of safety from these neurotoxins. Even one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, the Cochrane Collaboration, has acknowledged that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine research on safety is “largely inadequate.” And yet, Big Pharma spins the fact that there are so few real tests for safety to mean that “vaccines are safe” (when you don’t really test with a real placebo, you cannot evaluate safety issues). To make matters worse, not only are vaccines allowed to be marketed despite the paucity of safety evidence, several states are now making them mandatory for children who wish to attend public or private schools.
As important as regulatory agencies are for consumer protection, it is disturbing how much corporate involvement has influenced these governmental agencies. Instead of providing consumer protection, there seems to be much more corporate protection, and it seems obvious that Americans want a serious change from this corporate swamp.
This discussion about the swamp surround vaccine research and governmental agencies is provided here because there is also a swamp surrounding homeopathic and natural medicines and regulatory agencies. 
Homeopathic Research
Additional obvious bias was evidence when the F.T.C.’s ruling cited old and incorrect information asserting that homeopathic medicine are “so diluted that no single molecule of the original substance remains.” In actual fact, an important study in 2010 was published in the famed journal, Langmuir (published by the American Chemistry Society), that verified that six different homeopathic medicine were found to have nanoparticles of the original medicinal agents even after they were diluted 1:100 two-hundred times and this fact was confirmed by three different types of spectroscopy. Further, the nanodoses that remained in water were, according to Archives in Internal Medicine, comparable to the nanodoses to which many common hormones and cell-signaling agents are known to operate. Based on this research, anyone who says that there are “no active ingredients” or “no molecules” in homeopathic medicines are basing such assertions on disproven theories, not scientifically verified facts.
Unless the F.T.C. wishes to proclaim that our body’s hormones are placeboes, it can and should accept and recognize that the nanodoses used in homeopathic medicines have physiological action.
Further, modern evidence for the physiological effects from homeopathic medicines is provided by a growing body of basic research that has shown up- and down-regulation of genetic expression from homeopathic medicines, including in these studies, 1234. Even the highly prestigious Nature magazine edition in India published an important news report about one of these studies that showed these effects from a homeopathic medicine. Ultimately, at least a dozen laboratories have confirmed the persistence of nanomedicines in water made with homeopathic medicines, including labs at the University of Arizona, Northwestern University, University of California at Davis, University of Mumbai, Russian Academy of Science, and India Institute of Technology.
Ultimately, homeopathy is the “original nanomedicine,” and the entire field of nanomedicine is so hot that some reports estimate that it will be a $130 billion industry this year. It is hard to avoid the possibility that Big Pharma is pressuring the FTC to rid itself of any competition, even though homeopathy itself is only $1 billion industry in the US. 
The F.T.C. report on homeopathy carefully avoided reference to the largest review of research on homeopathy that has ever taken place. The Swiss government’s “Health Technology Assessment” on homeopathic medicine is much more comprehensive than any previous governmental report written on this subject to date. Not only did this report carefully and comprehensively review the body of evidence from randomized double-blind and placebo controlled clinical trials testing homeopathic medicines, they also evaluated the “real world effectiveness” with observational studies (discussed below) as well as safety and cost-effectiveness. The report also conducted a highly-comprehensive review of the wide body of preclinical research (fundamental physio-chemical research, botanical studies, animal studies, and in vitro studies with human cells) as well as epidemiological studies and cost-effectiveness studies.
After assessing basic research and the high quality clinical studies, the Swiss report affirmed that homeopathic high-potencies seem to induce regulatory effects (e.g., balancing or normalizing effects) and specific changes in cells or living organisms. The report also reported that 20 of the 22 systematic reviews of clinical research testing homeopathic medicines detected at least a trend in favor of homeopathy. To date, this report on homeopathy was the only review of research to ever to be published in a peer-review medical journal. 
The newest meta-analysis (a systematic review of research) on homeopathic medicine chose to evaluate only those clinical trials that provided individualized treatment. In reviewing the “highest quality studies,” the researchers found that homeopathic patients were almost twice as likely to experience a therapeutic benefit as those given a placebo. Further, in reviewing a total of 22 clinical trials, the homeopathic patients experienced greater than 50% likelihood to have benefited from the homeopathic treatment than those given a placebo.
Perhaps one of the strongest statements in this article was the confirmation that four of the five leading previous systematic reviews of homeopathic research also found a benefit from homeopathic treatment over that of placebo: 
“Five systematic reviews have examined the RCT research literature on homeopathy as a whole, including the broad spectrum of medical conditions that have been researched and by all forms of homeopathy: four of these ‘global’ systematic reviews reached the conclusion that, with important caveats, the homeopathic intervention probably differs from placebo.”
The ultimate observation of this significant review of homeopathic research is that there IS a difference between homeopathy and placebo, despite what skeptics and the media tend to assume and assert.
To date, there are at least 300 clinical studies that have been published in peer-review medical journals. Although ALL of the meta-analyses conducted on homeopathy deem that “good quality studies” must be randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled, these same guidelines are not expected of vaccines, nor are any surgical procedures required to have these standards for evaluating safety or efficacy. A double standard persists, and attacking and bullying the little guy (homeopathy) has become the order of the day.
According to the most prestigious medical journal in the world, The New England Journal of Medicine, randomized double-blind and placebo controlled trials are not the only way to evaluate therapeutic benefits from a treatment. In fact, this medical journal has published numerous articles that assert that observational trials are just as reliable. One author asserted emphatically, “The popular belief that only randomized, controlled trials produce trustworthy results and that all observational studies are misleading does a disservice to patient care, clinical investigation, and the education of health care professionals.” 
Observational trials provide information on “real world” use and practice, and there is a considerable body of evidence that homeopathic treatment provides “real world benefits. It is very common for conventional drugs to be found seemingly effective in randomized double-blind and placebo controlled trials, but not really work in “real world medicine.” In comparison, homeopathic medicine has consistently been found to be effective in real world medicine
Implications of Ruling on Homeopathy Today
The F.T.C. ruling will require the above described statements asserting that there is no scientific evidence for the efficacy of a homeopathic medicine. However, the vast majority of homeopathic medicines are single-ingredient homeopathic medicines that are not prescribed for specific diseases but for the unique syndrome of symptoms that every person has. And because the vast majority of practicing homeopaths use these single ingredient homeopathic medicines, the practice of homeopathy itself will not be influenced much by this F.T.C. ruling. 
In fact, some homeopaths actually appreciate this ruling because it’ll encourage people to understand homeopathy and the homeopathic approach to healing better. Further, the ruling will lead more people who are seeking safer alternatives to conventional drug treatment to purchase homeopathic guidebooks, such as those that this author has written, that teach people how to select the right homeopathic medicine for their own, their family’s, or their friend’s health care problem. Therefore, books such as Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines and Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants may be in greater demand. And people who want tolearn to use a homeopathic medicine kit to treat their families will be encouraged to access such courses or e-courses. 
This ruling will have its primary impact on the various homeopathic formulas on the market today that make figuring out which medicine to get more “user-friendly.” Homeopathic formulas are mixtures of homeopathic medicines that include ingredients that are known to benefit people with specific ailments, but each ingredient is thought to only have benefits for the limited group of people whose symptoms match those that each substance is known to cause (if given in overdose). Therefore, a homeopathic pharmacy creates a mixture with ingredients that will have a more broad-spectrum effect beyond that of a single remedy.
It is these homeopathic formulas that the F.T.C. ruling will impact. However, because there are now over 300 clinical trials published in peer-review medical journals, there are a surprising number of studies that show that homeopathic formulas do provide therapeutic benefits. The F.T.C. ruling therefore will have some benefits for those homeopathic medicines that have had such research. Certain books or ebooks that reference such research will probably increase in demand. And courses and e-courses that teach people how to use a homeopathic medicine kit and that provide evidence from peer-review medical journals will also be more popular.
The bad news about the F.T.C. ruling is that poor people who cannot afford going to a professional homeopath and those people who are not motivated to learn how to use homeopathic medicines will unable to get the benefits from homeopathy like 500 million people across the world do. 
It is additionally intriguing to know that every one of the dozens of surveys ever conducted on who uses homeopathic medicines has discovered that these homeopathy users are more educated than those who don’t. Therefore, it seems that it is common for more educated people to go out of their way to choose homeopathy. 
Closing Thoughts
The F.T.C. report on homeopathy noted a survey of users of homeopathic medicine found that 60% to 73% were satisfied with the performance of the homeopathic treatment they used and half of the people who used a homeopathic medication for one condition went on to use a homeopathic treatment for other conditions. 
The report then noted that a representative of the homeopathic industry remarked that such levels of satisfaction would not be explained by the placebo effect based on his assertion that the “placebo effect … is probably around 30%” (see p. 5) When one considers the widely recognized fact that homeopathic medicines are considerably safer than conventional drugs, one would think that this system of medicine would be embraced and encouraged by federal regulatory agencies, especially for pregnant and lactating women and for infants and children. However, this F.T.C. ruling suggests that there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy works. 
Even though other constituencies of the “natural health movement” have not had a collaborative relationship with the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) in the 20th and 21st centuries, homeopathy and advocates for this system of medicine have had a long-time collaborative relationship with this governmental agency ever since this health agency was first empowered with regulatory controls as a result of the famed Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1938. 
In fact, this 1938 law was written by a Senator from New York who was a medical doctor as well as homeopathic physician by the name of Royal Copeland, MD. This three-term U.S. Senator was so highly respected that Franklin D. Roosevelt was his campaign manager when he first ran for the U.S. Senate. This 1938 law not only empowered the F.D.A., it also gave formal federal recognition to homeopathy and homeopathic medicines as a different and separate system of medicine and pharmacology. 
The bottom line here is that the U.S. Congress passed this important consumer protection law in 1938, and it granted formal recognition of the U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacopeia as a DIFFERENT compendium of drugs than the U.S. Pharmacopeia. This law did not seek to merge these two different schools of thought in medical practice, but instead, they sought to respect them as different and complementary. It is therefore questionable if homeopathic drugs should be understood or regulated in the same manner as conventional drugs.
One would hope that the F.T.C. would have a good working relationship with the homeopathic community as the F.D.A. has, but the fact remains that the new F.T.C. ruling now requires marketing information on homeopathic medicines to include statements that there is “no scientific evidence that the product works” and the product’s claims “are not accepted by most modern medical experts.” The intent of this article was to show the extreme bias in their recent ruling in their evidence from history and their interpretation of homeopathic research. 
Ultimately, the F.T.C. is staffed by lawyers, not by physicians or scientists or experts on homeopathy and natural medicine. Clearly, this F.T.C. report has numerous significant errors of fact and has obvious biases. One would hope that these problems will be rectified.
Whether the F.T.C. corrects its report and changes its ruling or not, it will be curious to watch if the F.T.C. and health and medical regulatory agencies continue to protect Big Pharma and Big Corporations or if they will truly seek to protect consumers. 
It will also be important, even vitally important, to observe what priority the F.T.C. grants this new ruling on homeopathy. In this day and age in which the average American is prescribed 13 prescription drugs per year (not counting any of the over-the-counter drugs they are prescribed or that people take on their own), there are very few studies that confirm the safety or efficacy of this common practice of “poly-pharmacy.” If regulatory agencies are truly interested in protecting the health of Americans, it would be prudent if they focused their attention on the real and significant dangers to American’s health that exist in our use and over-use of conventional medications, not on homeopathic medicines that has an impeccable 200-year history of safety.
Finally, the F.T.C. chose to issue these rulings after Donald Trump has been elected President. Trump has asserted that he plans to eliminate two regulations for every new regulation. Is this new regulation really worthy of keeping when two other regulations will be eliminated? Considering the long-time safety history of homeopathic medicines, it is surprising and even shocking that the F.T.C. would consider proposing new regulations now. One cannot help but wonder who or what is pulling their strings. Only the naïve think that policies result in a vacuum but instead more commonly result from powerful economic forces at play.
Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH, is America’s leading spokesperson for homeopathy and is the founder of . He is the author of 10 books, including his bestseller, Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. His most recent book is, The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy (the Foreword to this book was written by Dr. Peter Fisher, the Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II). Dana has also developed a new e-course in “Learning to Use a Homeopathic Medicine Kit,” which includes 40, 60, or 80 (!) short videos along with a detailed ebook entitled “Evidence Based Homeopathic Family Medicine,” which provides reference to and description of over 300 clinical trials published in peer review medical journals. This e-course is available at 
Dana lives, practices, and writes from Berkeley, California. He sees patients from all over the world via phone and Skype and in his Berkeley office.